Peer-reviewed articles, Book chapters, and Monographs
Shriver, R.K., E. Pletcher, F. Biondi, A.K. Urza, and P.J. Weisberg. Long-term tree population growth can predict woody encroachment patterns (submitted).
Li, X., Silvestro, R., Liang, E., Mencuccini, M., Camarero, J.J., Rathgeber, C.B., Sylvain, J.D., Nabais, C., Giovannelli, A., Saracino, A., Saulino, L., Guerrieri, R., Gričar, J., Prislan, P., Peters, R.L., Čufar, K., Yang, B., Antonucci, S., Babushkina, E., Biondi, F., and 31 other authors. Warming increases the phenological mismatch between carbon sources and sinks in conifer forests of the Northern Hemisphere (submitted).
Biondi, F.. Dendrochronology. In Plant Sciences,, 4 pp. (CHAPTER; PDF file is about 0.1 Mb).
Biondi, F., G.M. Santos, P.R. Rodríguez, and P.A. Sosa. Longevity estimates of Canary palms and dragon trees via radiocarbon dating: Initial results. Plants 13: art. 45 (12 pp.), doi: 10.3390/plants13010045 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 2.4 Mb).
Meko, D.M., F. Biondi, A.H. Taylor, I.P. Panyushkina, R.D. Thaxton, A.A. Prusevich, A.I. Shiklomanov, R.B. Lammers, and S. Glidden. Runoff variability in the Truckee-Carson River basin from tree rings and a water balance model. Earth Interactions 28(1): art. e230018 (19 pp.), doi: 10.1175/EI-D-23-0018.1 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 24.6 Mb).
Silvestro, R., M. Mencuccini, R. García-Valdés, S. Antonucci, A. Arzac, F. Biondi, and 67 other authors. Partial asynchrony of forest carbon sources and sinks at the intra-annual time scale. Nature Communication 15(1): art. 6169 (12 pp.), doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-49494-5 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 2.7 Mb).
Leifsson, C., A. Buras, S. Klesse, C. Baittinger, B. Bat-Enerel, G. Battipaglia, F. Biondi, and 49 other authors. Identifying drivers of non-stationary climate-growth relationships of European beech. Science of the Total Environment 937: art. 173321 (14 pp.), doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173321 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 1.2 Mb).
Klesse, S., R.L. Peters, R. Alfaro-Sánchez, V. Badeau, C. Baittinger, G. Battipaglia, D. Bert, F. Biondi, and 63 other authors. No future growth enhancement expected at the northern edge for European beech due to continued water limitation. Global Change Biology 30(10): art. e17546 (16 pp.), doi: 10.1111/gcb.17546 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 8.0 Mb).
Klesse, S., R. L. Peters, R. Alfaro-Sánchez, V. Badeau, C. Baittinger, G. Battipaglia, D. Bert, F. Biondi, and 65 other authors. European Beech tree-ring dataset 1952-2020. EnviDat, doi: 10.16904/envidat.547 (DATA & MODEL OUTPUT).
Biondi, F., D. Meko, and G. Piovesan. Maximum tree lifespans derived from public-domain dendrochronological data. iScience 26 (3), art. 106138 (13 pp.), doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.106138 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 2.1 Mb).
Arencibia Aguilar, L.F., P. Rodríguez Rodríguez, and F. Biondi. Heartwood relationship with stem diameter in Pinus canariensis plantations of Gran Canaria, Spain. Forests 14 (9), art. 1719 (14 pp.), doi: 10.3390/f14091719 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 3.6 Mb).
Liu, X., E. Ziaco, and F. Biondi. Stomatal regulation and xylem hydraulics of limber pine and Engelmann spruce in Great Basin sky-island ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment 892, art. 164351 (13 pp.), doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164351 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 3.1 Mb).
Palli, J., M. Baliva, F. Biondi, L. Calcagnile, D. Cerbino, M. D'Elia, R. Muleo, A. Schettino, G. Quarta, N. Sassone, F. Solano, P. Zienna, and G. Piovesan. The longevity of fruit trees in Basilicata (southern Italy): Implications for agricultural biodiversity conservation. Land 12(3), art. 550 (17 pp.), doi: 10.3390/land12030550 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 6.1 Mb).
Piovesan, G., A. Rita, F. Biondi, M. Baliva, M. Borghetti, M. Brunetti, G. De Vivo, A. Di Filippo, A. Dinella, T. Gentilesca, M. Maugeri, J. Palli, A. Piotti, E. Presutti Saba, F. Ripullone, A. Schettino, G.G. Vendramin. Bell-shaped tree-ring responses to air temperature drive productivity trends in long-lived mountain Mediterranean pines. Science of the Total Environment 890, art. 164103 (11 pp.), doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164103 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 1.9 Mb).
Ziaco, E., X. Liu, and F. Biondi. Dendroanatomy of xylem hydraulics in two pine species: Efficiency prevails on safety for basal area growth in drought-prone conditions. Dendrochronologia 81, art. 126116 (13 pp.), doi: 10.1016/j.dendro.2023.126116 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 8.0 Mb).
Winitsky, A.G., D.M. Meko, A.H. Taylor, and F. Biondi. Species sensitivity to hydrologic whiplash in the tree-ring record of the high Sierra Nevada. Environments 10, art. 12 (17 pp.), doi: 10.3390/environments10010012 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 2.6 Mb).
Margolis, E.Q., C.H. Guiterman, 53 other authors, F. Biondi, and other 31 authors. The North American tree-ring fire-scar network. Ecosphere 13(7), art. e4159 (36 pp.), doi: 10.1002/ecs2.4159 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 13.6 Mb).
Liu, X. and F. Biondi. Inter-specific transpiration differences between aspen, spruce, and pine in a sky-island ecosystem of the North American Great Basin. Forest Ecology and Management 491, art. 119157 (10 pp.), doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119157 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 0.6 Mb).
Piovesan, G. and F. Biondi. On tree longevity. New Phytologist 231: 1318–1337 (Tansley Review; ARTICLE; PDF file is about 8.5 Mb; among the most-downloaded and most-cited New Phytologist articles from 2020 and 2021; the article was featured in the JOURNAL COVER PAGE, in a UNR NEWS REPORT, and in a SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN REPORT also published in ITALIAN).
Liu, X., E. Ziaco, and F. Biondi. Water-use efficiency of co-occurring sky-island pine species in the North American Great Basin. Frontiers in Plant Science - Functional Plant Ecology 12, art. 787297 (11 pp.), doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.787297 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 3.4 Mb).
Balanzategui, D., H. Nordhauß, I. Heinrich, F. Biondi, N. Miley, A.G. Hurley, and E. Ziaco. Wood anatomy of Douglas-fir in eastern Arizona and its relationship with Pacific Basin climate. Frontiers in Plant Science - Functional Plant Ecology 12(1812), art. 702442 (14 pp.), doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.702442 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 3.1 Mb).
Biondi, F. From dendrochronology to allometry. Forests 11 (2), art. 146 (17 pp.), doi: 10.3390/f11020146 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 2.1 Mb).
Kilpatrick, M. and F. Biondi. Post-wildfire regeneration in a sky-island mixed-conifer ecosystem of the North American Great Basin. Forests 11(9), art. 900 (17 pp.), doi: 10.3390/f11090900 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 2.4 Mb).
Liu, X. and F. Biondi. Transpiration drivers of high-elevation five-needle pines (Pinus longaeva and Pinus flexilis) in sky-island ecosystems of the North American Great Basin. Science of the Total Environment 739, art. 139861 (12 pp.), doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139861 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 2.2 Mb).
Ziaco, E., N. Miley, and F. Biondi. Reconstruction of seasonal and water-year precipitation anomalies from tree-ring records of the southwestern United States. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 547, art.109689 (11 pp.), doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109689 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 2.7 Mb).
Huang, J.-G., Q. Ma, S. Rossi, F. Biondi, and other 47 authors. Photoperiod and temperature as dominant environmental drivers triggering secondary growth resumption in Northern Hemisphere conifers. PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) 117(34): 20645-20652 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 1.3 Mb).
Biondi, F. and D. Meko. Long-term hydroclimatic patterns in the Truckee-Carson Basin of the eastern Sierra Nevada, USA. Water Resources Research 55(7): 5559–5574 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 1.7 Mb).
Cameletti, M. and F. Biondi. Hierarchical modeling of space-time dendroclimatic fields: Comparing a frequentist and a Bayesian approach. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 51(1): 115–127 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 1.7 Mb).
Piovesan, G., F. Biondi, M. Baliva, G. De Vivo, V. Marchiano, A. Schettino, and A. Di Filippo. Lessons from the wild: Slow but increasing long-term growth allows for maximum longevity in European beech. Ecology 100(9), art. e02737 (4 pp.), doi: 10.1002/ecy.2737 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 1.2 Mb).
Piovesan, G., F. Biondi, M. Baliva, G. De Vivo, V. Marchiano, A. Schettino, and A. Di Filippo. Slow growth leads to longevity in temperate hardwoods. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 100(3), art.e01560 (6 pp.), doi: 10.1002/bes2.1560 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 3.2 Mb).
Piovesan, G., F. Biondi, M. Baliva, A. Dinella, L. Di Fiore, V. Marchiano, E. Presutti Saba, G. De Vivo, A. Schettino, and A. Di Filippo. Tree growth patterns associated with extreme longevity: Implications for the ecology and conservation of primeval trees in a changing world. Anthropocene 26, art.100199 (14 pp.), doi: 10.1016/j.ancene.2019.100199 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 3.9 Mb).
Kilpatrick, M., J. Roberts, and F. Biondi. Fire history of an old-growth ponderosa pine stand in the Sheep Range, Desert National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada, USA. Tree-Ring Research 75(2): 127–138 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 1.8 Mb).
Truettner, C., M.D. Dettinger, E. Ziaco, and F. Biondi. Seasonal analysis of the 2011–2017 North American Monsoon near its northwest boundary. Atmosphere 10(7), art. 420 (18 pp.), doi: 10.3390/atmos10070420 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 8.0 Mb).
Ren, P., E. Ziaco, S. Rossi, F. Biondi, P. Prislan, and E. Liang. Growth rate rather than growing season length determines wood biomass in dry environments. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 271: 46-53 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 4.1 Mb).
Quarta, G., A. Di Filippo, L. Calcagnile, M. D’Elia, F. Biondi, E. Presutti Saba, M. Baliva, G. De Vivo, A. Schettino, and G. Piovesan. Identifying the 993-994 CE Miyake event in the oldest dated living tree in Europe. Radiocarbon 61: 1317-1325 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 0.8 Mb).
Ziaco, E. and F. Biondi. Stem circadian phenology of four pine species in naturally contrasting climates from sky-island forests of the western USA. Forests 9 (7), art.396 (21 pp.), doi: 10.3390/f9070396 (ARTICLE in PDF format - about 4.1 Mb).
Piovesan, G., F. Biondi, M. Baliva, L. Calcagnile, G. Quarta, and A. Di Filippo. Dating old hollow trees by applying a multistep tree-ring and radiocarbon procedure to trunk and exposed roots. MethodsX 5: 495-502 (ARTICLE in PDF format - about 2.5 Mb).
Piovesan, G., F. Biondi, E. Presutti Saba, M. Baliva, L. Calcagnile, G. Quarta, M. D’Elia, G. De Vivo, A. Schettino, and A. Di Filippo. The oldest dated tree of Europe lives in the wild Pollino massif: Italus, a strip-bark Heldreich's pine. Ecology 99 (7): 1682-1684 (ARTICLE in PDF format - about 1.7 Mb). Here is a NEWS REPORT, and here is ANOTHER; our discovery was featured in SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE and in the SPANISH NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.
Ziaco, E., C. Truettner, F. Biondi, and S. Bullock. Moisture-driven xylogenesis in Pinus ponderosa from a Mojave Desert mountain reveals high phenological plasticity. Plant, Cell & Environment 41 (4): 823–836 (ARTICLE in PDF format - about 1.6 Mb).
Truettner, C., W.R.L. Anderegg, F. Biondi, G.W. Koch, K. Ogle, C. Schwalm, M.E. Litvak, J.D. Shaw, and E. Ziaco. Conifer radial growth response to recent seasonal warming and drought from the southwestern USA. Forest Ecology and Management 418: 55–62 (ARTICLE in PDF format - about 1.0 Mb).
Hacket-Pain, A.J., D. Ascoli, G. Vacchiano, F. Biondi, L. Cavin, M. Conedera, I. Drobyshev , I. Dorado Liñán, A.D. Friend, M. Grabner, C. Hartl, J. Kreyling, F. Lebourgeois, T. Levanic, A. Menzel, E. van der Maaten, M. van der Maaten-Theunissen, L. Muffler, R. Motta, C.-C. Roibu, I. Popa , T. Scharnweber, R. Weigel, M. Wilmking, and C. Zang. Climatically controlled reproduction drives inter-annual growth variability in a temperate tree species. Ecology Letters 21(12): 1833-1844 (ARTICLE in PDF format - about 1.5 Mb).
Devitt, D., B. Bird, B. Lyles, L. Fenstermaker, R. Jasoni, S. Strachan, J. Arnone, F. Biondi, S. Mensing, and L. Saito. Assessing near surface hydrologic processes and plant response over a 1600 m mountain valley gradient in the Great Basin, NV, U.S.A. Water 10 (4), art. 420 (21 pp.), doi:10.3390/w10040420 (ARTICLE in PDF format - about 13.6 Mb).
Di Filippo, A., F. Biondi, G. Piovesan, and E. Ziaco. Tree-ring based metrics for assessing old-growth forest naturalness. Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (3): 737–749 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 0.9 Mb; JOURNAL COVER PAGE). Also a BLOG POST by Nathalie Butt, Associate Editor for the journal.
Schwalm, C., W.R.L. Anderegg, A.M. Michalak, J.B. Fisher, F. Biondi, G. Koch, M. Litvak, K. Ogle, J.D. Shaw, A. Wolf, D.N. Huntzinger, K. Schaefer, R.Cook, Y. Wei, Y. Fang, D. Hayes, M. Huang, A. Jain, and H. Tian. Global patterns of drought recovery. Nature 548 (7666): 202-205 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 5.7 Mb; JOURNAL COMMENTARY).
Ziaco, E. and F. Biondi. Tree growth, cambial phenology, and wood anatomy of limber pine at a Great Basin (USA) mountain observatory. Trees - Structure and Function 30: 1507–1521 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 3.3 Mb).
Ziaco, E., F. Biondi, and I. Heinrich. Wood cellular dendroclimatology: Testing new proxies in Great Basin bristlecone pine. Frontiers in Plant Science - Functional Plant Ecology 7, art.1602 (13 pp.), doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01602 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 4.7 Mb).
Ziaco, E., F. Biondi, S. Rossi, and A. Deslauriers. Environmental drivers of cambial phenology in Great Basin bristlecone pine. Tree Physiology 36: 818–831 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 5.1 Mb).
Biondi, F. Dendrochronology, Volcanic Eruptions. In W.J. Rink and J.W. Thompson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg. pp. 221-227 (CHAPTER; PDF file is about 0.1 Mb).
Biondi, F. and S. Rossi. Plant-water relationships in the Great Basin Desert of North America derived from Pinus monophylla hourly dendrometer records. International Journal of Biometeorology 59 (8): 939-953 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 7.0 Mb).
Zang, C., and F. Biondi. treeclim: an R package for the numerical calibration of proxy-climate relationships. Ecography 38: 431–436 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 1.0 Mb).
Saito, L., F. Biondi, R. Devkota, J. Vittori, and J. Salas. A water-balance approach for reconstructing streamflow using tree-ring proxy records. Journal of Hydrology 529(Part 2): 535–547 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 1.7 Mb).
Salas, J.D., Z. Tarawneh, and F. Biondi. A hydrological record extension model for reconstructing streamflows from tree-ring chronologies. Hydrological Processes 29 (4): 544–556 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 1.0 Mb).
Anderegg,W.R.L., C. Schwalm, F. Biondi, J.J. Camarero, G. Koch, M. Litvak, K. Ogle, J.D. Shaw, E. Shevliakova, A.P. Williams, A. Wolf, E. Ziaco, and S. Pacala. Pervasive drought legacies in forest ecosystems and their implications for carbon cycle models. Science 349 (6247), 528-532 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 0.7 Mb).
Biondi, F. Paleoecology Grand Challenge. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution - Paleoecology 2, art. 50 (3 pp.), doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00050 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 0.3 Mb).
Biondi, F. Dendroclimatic reconstruction at kilometer-scale grid points: A case study from the Great Basin of North America. Journal of Hydrometeorology 15(2): 891-906 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 3.1 Mb).
Biondi, F., M. Hay, and S. Strachan. The Tree-Ring Interpolation Model (TRIM) and its application to Pinus monophylla chronologies in the Great Basin of North America. Forestry 87(4): 582–597 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 3.7 Mb).
Ziaco, E., F. Biondi, S. Rossi, and A. Deslauriers. Climatic influences on wood anatomy and tree-ring features of Great Basin conifers at a new mountain observatory. Applications in Plant Sciences 2 (10), art. 1400054 (13 pp.), doi: 10.3732/apps.1400054 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 4.1 Mb).
Ziaco, E., F. Biondi, S. Rossi, and A. Deslauriers. Intra-annual wood anatomical features of high-elevation conifers in the Great Basin, USA. Dendrochronologia 32 (4): 303–312 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 3.8 Mb).
McLauchlan, K , P. E. Higuera, D. G. Gavin, S. S. Perakis, M. C. Mack, H. Alexander, J. Battles, F. Biondi, B. Buma, D. Colombaroli, S. Enders, D. R. Engstrom, F. S. Hu, J. R. Marlon, J. Marshall, M. McGlone, J. L. Morris, L. E. Nave, B. N. Shuman, E. Smithwick, D. H. Urrego, D. A. Wardle, C. J. Williams, J. J. Williams. Reconstructing disturbances and their biogeochemical consequences over multiple timescales. BioScience 64 (2): 105-116 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 0.7 Mb).
Biondi, F. The fourth dimension of interdisciplinary modeling. Journal of Contemporary Water Resources Education (JCWRE) 152 (1): 42-48 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 0.07 Mb).
Biondi, F. and M. Bradley. Long-term survivorship of single-needle pinyon (Pinus monophylla) in mixed-conifer ecosystems of the Great Basin, USA. Ecosphere 4 (10): art.120 (19 pages), doi: 10.1890/ES13-00149.1 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 6.8 Mb).
Zang, C., and F. Biondi. Dendroclimatic calibration in R: The bootRes package for response and correlation function analysis. Dendrochronologia 31: 68-74 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 0.6 Mb).
Di Filippo, A., F. Biondi, E. Ziaco, and G. Piovesan. Dendroecological networks to investigate forest dynamics: The case of European beech in Italy. Pp. 134-143 in G. Helle, H. Gärtner, W. Beck, I. Heinrich, K.-U. Heußner, A. Müller, and T. Sanders (editors), TRACE – Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology. Scientific Technical Report STR13/05, German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Potsdam, Germany (BOOK CHAPTER; PDF file is about 1.5 Mb).
Kilpatrick, M., F. Biondi, S. Strachan, and J.S. Sibold. Fire history of mixed conifer ecosystems in the Great Basin/Mojave Deserts transition zone, Nevada, USA. Trees - Structure and Function 27: 1789–1803 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 1.2 Mb).
Strachan, S., F. Biondi, S.G. Lindström, R. McQueen, P.E. Wigand. Application of dendrochronology to historical charcoal-production sites in the Great Basin, United States. Historical Archaeology 47 (4): 103–119 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 12 Mb).
Mensing, S., S. Strachan, J. Arnone, L. Fenstermaker, F. Biondi, D. Devitt, B. Johnson, B. Bird, and E. Fritzinger. A network for observing Great Basin climate change. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 94 (11): 105-106 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 1.4 Mb).
Biondi, F., and S. Strachan. Dendrohydrology in 2050: Challenges and Opportunities. Pp. 355-362 in W.M. Grayman, D.P. Loucks, and L. Saito (editors), Toward a Sustainable Water Future: Visions for 2050, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Reston, Virginia. (BOOK CHAPTER in PDF format - about 0.7 Mb; ENTIRE BOOK; PDF file is about 20.9 Mb).
Strachan, S., F. Biondi, and J. Leising. A 550-year reconstruction of streamflow variability in Spring Valley, Nevada, USA. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 138: 326-333 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 0.8 Mb).
Cheek, J.W., F. Biondi, J.S. Sibold, and R. Tausch. Fuel analysis and potential fire behavior in mixed conifer woodlands of the Great Basin, Nevada, USA. Physical Geography 33 (3): 205–228 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 2.8 Mb).
Ziaco, E., F. Biondi, A. Di Filippo, and G. Piovesan. Biogeoclimatic influences on tree growth releases identified by the boundary line method in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) populations of southern Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 286: 28–37 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 1.3 Mb).
Di Filippo, A., F. Biondi, M. Maugeri, B. Schirone, and G. Piovesan. Bioclimate and growth history affect beech lifespan in the Italian Alps and Apennines. Global Change Biology 18: 960–972 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 1.5 Mb).
Biondi, F., L. Jamieson, S. Strachan, and J. Sibold. Dendroecological testing of the pyroclimatic hypothesis in the central Great Basin, Nevada, USA. Ecosphere 2(1): art.5 (20 pp.), doi:10.1890/ES10-00068.1 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 28.3 Mb).
Alessandrini, A., F. Biondi, A. Di Filippo, E. Ziaco, and G. Piovesan. Tree size distribution at increasing spatial scales converges to the rotated sigmoid curve in two old-growth beech stands of the Italian Apennines. Forest Ecology and Management 262: 1950–1962 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 2.2 Mb).
Piovesan, G., A. Alessandrini, F. Biondi, A. Di Filippo, B. Schirone, and E. Ziaco. Bioclimatology, growth processes, longevity and structural attributes in an Italian network of old-growth beech forests spreading from the Alps to the Apennines. Pp. 173-192 in Knapp, H.D. and A. Fichtner (eds.), Beech Forests: Joint Natural Heritage of Europe, BfN-Skripten, Vol. 297, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn, Germany (BOOK CHAPTER; PDF file is about 4.7 Mb).
Kleppe, J.A., D.S. Brothers, G.M. Kent, F. Biondi, S. Jensen, and N.W. Driscoll. Duration and severity of Medieval drought in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Quaternary Science Reviews 30: 3269-3279 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 2.7 Mb).
McMahon Jr., M., S.M. Dascalu, F.C. Harris Jr., S. Strachan, and F. Biondi. Architecting Climate Change Data Infrastructure for Nevada. Pp. 354-365 in Salinesi, C. and O. Pastor (eds.), Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops CAISE-2011, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, LNBIP-83, Springer, London, UK (BOOK CHAPTER; PDF file is about 0.4 Mb).
Villalba, R., B.H. Luckman, J. Boninsegna, R. D. D'Arrigo, A. Lara, J. Villanueva-Diaz, M. Masiokas, J. Argollo, C. Soliz, C. LeQuesne, D.W. Stahle, F. Roig, J.C. Aravena, M.K. Hughes, G. Wiles, G. Jacoby, P. Hartsough, R.J.S. Wilson, E. Watson, E.R. Cook, J. Cerano-Paredes, M. Therrell, M. Cleaveland, M.S. Morales, N.E. Graham, J. Moya, J. Pacajes, G. Massacchesi, F. Biondi, R. Urrutia, and G. Martinez Pastur. Dendroclimatology from regional to continental scales: Understanding regional processes to reconstruct large-scale climatic variations across the Western Americas. Pp. 175-230 in Hughes, M.K., T.W. Swetnam, and H.F. Diaz (eds.), Dendroclimatology: Progress and Prospects, Series “Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research”, Vol. 11, Springer, New York (BOOK CHAPTER; PDF file is about 3.5 Mb).
Biondi, F., and P. Hartsough. Using automated point dendrometers to analyze tropical treeline stem growth at Nevado de Colima, Mexico. Sensors 10: 5827-5844 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 0.4 Mb).
Solander, K., L. Saito, and F. Biondi. Streamflow simulation using a water-balance model with annually-resolved inputs. Journal of Hydrology 387: 46–53 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 0.8 Mb).
Di Filippo, A., A. Alessandrini, F. Biondi, S. Blasi, L. Portoghesi, and G. Piovesan. Climate change and oak growth decline: Dendroecology and stand productivity of a Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) old stored coppice in Central Italy. Annals of Forest Science 67 (7): art. 706 (14 pp.), doi: 10.1051/forest/2010031 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 2.5 Mb).
Snyder, K.A., R. Monnar, S.R. Poulson, P. Hartsough, and F. Biondi. Diurnal variations of needle water isotopic ratios in two pine species. Trees - Structure and Function 24: 585–595 (ARTICLE; PDF file is about 0.9 Mb).